Monday, February 13, 2012

Study Guide - Environmental and Economic Forces TEST

This is what students will get tomorrow.  Please help your student study!

Name _______________________________________

Environmental and Economic Forces in Latin America – Unit Study Guide

1. Describe a traditional economy:


2. Which group has the power in a market economy? _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. Which group has the power in a command economy? _____________________________________________________________________________________

4. List two jobs you could have if you lived in a traditional economy: _____________________________________________________________________________________

5. Why do most people in Latin America live in urban areas? _____________________________________________________________________________________

6. Where are most urban areas in Brazil located? _____________________________________________________________________________________

7. What are exports? _______________________________________________________________

8. What are imports? _______________________________________________________________

9. What is Gross Domestic Product or GDP? _____________________________________________________________________________________

10. Why must businesses in different countries exchange currency before buying or selling goods? _____________________________________________________________________________________

11. What is human capital? _____________________________________________________________________________________

12. Why should a country invest in human capital? _____________________________________________________________________________________

13. What is a mixed economy? _____________________________________________________________________________________

14. What is an embargo? _____________________________________________________________________________________

15. The US has an embargo against _____________________.

16. What is a tariff? _________________________________________________________________

17. ____________________________ removed all tariffs in Latin America.

18. What is a quota? ________________________________________________________________

19. Give an example of a quota:


20. Brazil has a mostly _______________ economy.

21. Cuba has a mostly ________________ economy.

22. Which two economies are the most alike?  Cuba, Brazil, United States

23. Cuba’s major export is ________________  _______________.

24. What is an entrepreneur? _____________________________________________________________________________________

25. What are capital resources? _____________________________________________________________________________________

26. What are natural resources? _____________________________________________________________________________________

Match up the following (27-30)

27. Jonathan is a local farmer                            Natural resources

28. Soil, Water                                                  Capital resources

29. Tractor                                                                    Entrepreneur

30. Sam is Jonathan’s employee                                    Human capital

31. If Jonathan sends Sam to the local technical school for more training he is investing in Sam’s education.  This is known as investing in ____________  _____________.

32. If Jonathan buys a new cotton picker this is investing in _____________ ______________.

33. A high literacy rate usually means a country has a ____ standard of living.

34. What is the currency of Mexico? _____________________________________________________________________________________

35. What is the currency of Brazil? _____________________________________________________________________________________

36. NAFTA created a large ___________________  __________________ zone.

37. How does Mexico City’s location increase its air pollution? _____________________________________________________________________________________

38. Deforestation causes: _____________________________________________________________________________________

39. Oil production in Venezuela causes: _____________________________________________________________________________________

40. Too much carbon dioxide in the air leads to __________________ problems.

41. ___________________ and __________________ cause air pollution in Mexico City.

42. The world gets 20% of its ___________________ from the Amazon River.

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