Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Financial Future

This project will count as a test grade.  Students will have four days total to complete the assignment in the computer lab.  We will look at the summary Monday, May 7.  This is because of next week having field trips and other experiences that will cause a change in schedule.

Questions to ask your student:

What is your career?
What is your monthly gross income?
What does gross mean?
How much did you pay in federal taxes?
How much did you pay in state taxes?
How much did you pay for social security?
How much did you pay for medicaid?
How much is your health insurance?
Are you going to save? 
What about retirement?
What type of home will you live in? 
How much is your rent?
How much is your electric bill?
Did you choose to bundle your TV/Internet services?
What type of car did you purchase?
How much is your car payment?
How much is your insurance?
How much will you spend in gas each week?
What if you have to have your oil changed, get a flat tire, etc?
How much are your groceries? Health and beauty?
Will you have a pet?
Will you have fun with your friends?  How?
Do you think you will have money left?

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